Monday, August 3, 2009

The Lordship of Christ

Pastor Tim Conway in this sermon illustrates for us the difference between a true faith and false simple belief. In this blog, I will attempt to refute both false versions of salvation while upholding the truth as found in Scripture.

Believism - a movement of many religious people to say that salvation is accomplished by a simple belief or acknowledgment of facts.

Works-Righteous Salvation - a movement of many religious people to claim that in order to be saved you must earn your way to Heaven through works and good deeds.

Easy-Believism or Works-Righteous Salvation? Where is true Salvation found? NEITHER!

True Salvation is by faith alone. But, this faith is not just a simple belief or confession that 'Jesus is God'. This faith is a truly repentant faith where one acknowledges his sinfulness and repents of it, running to Christ as his Savior and Lord. Christ said 'Repent and Believe the Gospel'. Those who truly repent and truly believe in Christ Jesus will be saved. This salvation will be evident by the continual repentance and faith and also the fruit that comes forth in keeping with the truth.

For a while now, many people (especially Americans) have tried to make salvation a little business on Sunday mornings. Come hear a good lovey-dovey preaching, good up-tempo music, and receive the free gift of salvation... just make sure you don't forget the offering plate. Many of these churches preach an 'easy-believist' type of doctrine. Basically, if you say a little prayer or a couple of words with the pastor, then salvation is yours forever! One of their favorite scriptures is the following...

Romans 10:9 - if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Many of these churches take Romans 10:9 out of the context of it's surrounding scripture, the context of the time period it was written in and roman church it was written to, and the context of the entire Bible's view of Salvation. People take this verse as the 'one and only Salvation verse'. It's almost like a game show in many churches today... 'Confess Jesus is Lord, Come on Down receive Salvation... Just say these words and walk away with the prize!' This is pitiful and a complete misuse of the scriptures.

So let's look at the ways in which people misuse this scripture.

1. People misuse Romans 10:9 by ignoring it's context through surrounding scripture.

Romans Chapter 4, speaks clearly about justification through faith in Christ Jesus, not a simple recital of words. Romans Chapter 6, speaks of those who truly having faith in this Son, will be new creations who have died to sin and live for Christ and His Glory. You see, the surrounding context of the entire book of Romans gives light unto the fact that this passage is not talking about 'those who say a couple of words with a preacher' are saved. Rather it is saying that those who are truly SAVED by faith (truly believing) will confess 'Jesus is Lord' because they are new creations in Christ Jesus. By ignoring the context in Romans, people tend to misuse this scripture as meaning simply reciting a couple of words.

2. People misuse Romans 10:9 by ignoring that it was written to the Roman church during a time of harsh persecution.

The Church is Rome was persecuted heavily for their faith in Christ Jesus. Many first and second century Christians were killed for their faith. Some were set on fire, others were crucified, others were stoned to death. This was clearly a place and time of heavy persecution. So, by someone standing in public and confessing 'Jesus is Lord' could cost them their life! It wasn't just a 'couple of words' back then. It was in many cases counted as unlawful and even treason. By ignoring the fact that 'confessing Jesus is Lord' meant basically being willing to die for the Christ, people tend to misinterpret this scripture to mean simply reciting a couple of words.

3. People misuse Romans 10:9 by ignoring the context of the entire Bible.

The Bible speaks much on salvation. Jesus mentioned many requirements for salvation. Jesus says 'Unless a man repents, he will likewise perish'. Jesus says 'that whosoever believes in [Me] shall have everlasting life and not perish. Jesus says 'no one will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, unless he be born again'. So, here we have three verses stated by Christ Himself that completely dismiss the idea of salvation by reciting a couple of words. So, why is it that these verses are ignored?

Probably because they aren't as familiar as the others. It could become a problem for seeker-sensitive churches because salvation doesn't quite sell to the public as well if it isn't easy and humanistic. Another reason is because many people are just plain ignorant of Soteriology (the study of Biblical salvation). But, nevertheless Salvation as clearly outlined in scripture is not a simple recital of a couple of words, but rather a truly repentant faith in Jesus Christ of which we are made new creations by the grace of God.

Many easy-believists will not adhere to any kind of actual repentance. They run off into lala-land where repentance is a bad word and offends people. Well, scripture proclaims repentance, whether it offends people or not. Actually, their famous verse Romans 10:9 when accompanied by another verse in scripture makes it perfectly clear that those who truly believe and confess Jesus as Lord, must repent of their sins.

2 Timothy 2:19 - Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

Salvation is not a carnal work of man to say the right words in order to enter Heaven (Easy-believism). Salvation is not a carnal work of man whereby he does the right things and performs good deeds as to earn his way into Heaven (Works-Righteousness). No, Salvation is a supernatural event whereby God graciously grants repentance and faith to the lost sinner in need and makes them a new creation in Christ Jesus (Biblical Salvation). All of the glory in salvation goes to God, not man.

Something is seriously wrong with the way many preachers understand the gospel of Jesus Christ, nowadays. I don't know what caused this horrid time of Christ-less preachers to arise... but I do know what will fix it. We need to run to Christ! We need to study His Word! We need to not desire to be like the world, but rather understand that we are set apart for His work! We need to teach the truth! We need to be Unashamed! We need God's Grace and Mercy.

Let us now go and do the task to which we were called.

Thank you Lord for true salvation! God give us the stength to stand up and proclaim your gospel to all who will listen. Equip us with the truth, so that we may proclaim the saving gospel of Christ without error. Empowerer us with the power of the Holy Spirit so that souls will turn to you with a truly repent faith and be made new. Oh God save us from the wickedness around us. We trust in You alone. Amen.

+ Jakab +

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