Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bonzai Ministries

In the past couple of months, I have been given a heart for the lost. I have grown much in my own walk with God, through His grace. Thus, I have a greater passion to share the truth of Christ with others. This passion for God, which resulted in a passion for lost souls has made me work to create a compilation disc entitled 'The Bonzai Files - Volume I'.

In the summer of 2007, my friend (Raye) and I (Jakab) decided to create a Christian website. We couldn't come up with a name right away... but I wanted something different yet representative of God. Ultimately, we chose 'Bonzai Ministries'. I chose this because I had always been a fan of the Karate Kid movies and liked Bonsai Trees. But, also because the story of the Bible is related to trees, somewhat. A summary of the website/Ministry is as follows:

Bonzai Ministries is meant to be a beautiful creation of God, just like a ‘Bonsai’ tree.
Sin entered into our world because Adam & Eve disobeyed God and ate from a tree.
Christ died on a tree (cross) to pay the price for all sins,

so that we could be redeemed as children of God.

The ‘Bonsai’ Tree represents the union between the sinner and the Savior.

We pray that people will recognize this message of Salvation and be reconnected with The Father, through Repentance and Faith in the LORD Jesus Christ.

Yes, I know that 'Bonzai' is not the correct spelling of the tree. But, we wanted something different. I've always liked the way 'Bonzai' is spelled, even though the correct spellings are either banzai or bonsai.

Until now, Bonzai Ministries has just been a website. But, now the ministry is taking action. I have put together over the past few months a huge data collection of various items onto Data DVD Discs to hand out freely, entitled 'The Bonzai Files - Volume I'.

Items Included in 'The Bonzai Files - Volume I' are...

01. 22 Audio Sermons

02. 59 Audio Sermon Jams

03. Audio Set - HeartCry Missionary Conference 2005

04. 11 Bonus Audio Files

05. 17 Video Sermon Jams

06. 6 Video Testimonies

07. 16 Video Sermons

08. 24 Other Videos

09. 60+ Christian Website Links

10. 5 Bonus Christian Rap Albums

11. Christian Wallpapers

12. Christian Literature

13. Gospel / Concert Footage

14. Two Witnessing CD's

15. Other Bonus Items

Speakers included on this disc are as follows: John Piper, Paul Washer, Tim Conway, Paris Reidhead, Ravi Zacharias, Carter Conlon, Charles Leiter, Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort along with some others.

I have gained permission from all of the organizations/churches for the resources provided to make this project happen. I have tried to be as careful as possible with this project.

But, I have a sort of dilemma. You see, many of these resources may help bring the lost to Christ... but many of these resources may also help Christians grow in their faith. What a wonderful dilemma to have! May God get all the glory from this work.

Click Here to see The Bonzai Ministries Website!

Please listen. I don't want any glory out of this. Anyone who follows my blog knows that I never even write about myself or my works. But, I felt the need to write this to show how God is using even me to further His truth. I only pray that God would use this project to save wretched sinners and strengthen the saints all for His Glory Alone.

Prayer: Father, you have granted me the amazing privilege of knowing the gospel of our Gracious Lord. I pray that as I share it with others through this compilation that you would work on the hearts of sinful men, women, and children bringing them to a place of repentance and faith and granting them salvation. I pray for every soul that receives one of these discs that your hand would guide them to use it wisely. You deserve all praise and honor, Lord. Please use this project for Your Glory. Amen.

+ Jakab +

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