Sunday, February 22, 2009



“Christ will be master of the heart, and sin must be mortified. If your life is unholy, then your heart is unchanged, and you are an unsaved person. The Savior will sanctify His people, renew them, give them a hatred of sin, and a love of holiness. The grace that does not make a man better than others is a worthless counterfeit. Christ saves His people, not IN their sins, but FROM their sins. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.”

- Charles H. Spurgeon


The God who justifies is also the God who sanctifies, just as the Jesus who was crucified is also the Jesus who was resurrected. Likewise the believer who has truly repented and believed unto salvation, is also the believer who is continually being made holy by the power and work of the Holy Spirit in their life.

We live in a day and age of carnal Christianity. Children at age 8, walk down an aisle and make an emotional decision; the child at age 14 begins to dive into all types of wickedness and sin; at age 30 when the same person realizes that life is not forever, he/she will walk down the aisle once more and 'rededicate' their life to the LORD... When was this person saved?

The Bible explicitly states that true Salvation results in a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) . A new creation that does not desire to fulfill the desires of the flesh, but rather desires to follow God (Romans 8:9). A new creation that may slip or even fall into sin, but does not and can not dwell in it for long (Galatians 5:16-17). True believers will be in a continous process of sanctification that started at the moment they first believed.

- Jakab

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Struggles / Our Gift

Finally, I’ve quit
Finally, I have ended my pain.
Finally, I understand what is required of me.
Finally, It is finished.

Now, I understand.
Now, I can see more clearly.
Now, there is nothing but sunshine and peace.
Now, It is finished.

. . .

Then, He knew.
Then, they lashed his back.
Then, they crucified and disgraced Him.
Then, It was finished.

Eventually, We will know truth.
Eventually, We will sing hallelujah with the Angels.
Eventually, We will reign with the Prince of Peace forever.
Forever, It is finished.

- Jakab

Youth Pollution

These rappers love to run their mouths
without saying much of nothin’.
They constantly front about their thug lives.
They must like to gamble, 
because all I see them doing is bluffin’.

Stop talkin’ about sellin’ drugs, when u know you ain’t doin it.
Quit usin’ my Lord’s name, when you know you ain’t true to Him.
Stop the cursing and the violence.
Y’all think that you’re cool.
You ain’t cool, you’re a fool!

You continue to polute our youth, 
all up in your million dollar rap booth,
in your three piece polyester suits.
Somebody ain’t tellin’ the truth!
Eatin’ steak & shrimp every night for food…

When you claim to be on the grind all the time…
Gotta get that cash money, it sounds pretty funny to me,
Cause I don’t understand your intellect or how you’re still a G?

How are you a thug or a gangsta in your multi-million dollar homes,
riding on multi-thousand dollar chromes, 
talking on multi-hundred dollar phones?
Making money off broke people like us, 
selling our children negative ringtones.

How you claim to be living ‘tha hood life’,
Seems to me your living the good life.
You ain’t runnin’ from the police, 
you just bought a house with no lease
or down payment, 
while we are struggling to pay rent!

But we
Christians are not worried though,
because God is our Provider!
He gives us peace and inner strength,
We call upon His name, for He has all Power!

You see,
God is like Mabel Simmons because He could ‘burn this sucka dowwwwwwn’,
He could have your whole rap empire crashing straight to tha ground.
Yo houses, yo girls, yo money, yo pearls, yo lyrics, yo stash, yo sex, yo cash…
Yo songs, yo clubs, yo albums, yo drugs, yo guns, yo sins, yo homeboys, yo friends…
Yo status, yo life, yo kids, yo wife, yo company, yo business, you’ll be begging for His forgiveness!

You see, 
You be leading children to be drug dealers,
by saying you livin’ the street life,
but you ain’t no G right?
You really be livin’ the
Suite Life
Zack & Cody.

Truthfully you don’t know me or My God!
You see,
The difference between you and My God is,
He actually cares about these Kids!

You write rhymes to
the minds of our
while My God speaks the Truth,
and has way more fans than you.

If My God had a myspace,
well, Tom would need a bigger server.
Because His friends list would expand 
all the way to the ends of this earth, bruh…
Everytime you load His page 
it would freeze your computer,
You can’t compare, you don’t measure up…
Your like a cheap 99cent ruler!

You make money off His children
day in and day out…
Blaspheming His Holy name,
spittin’ foul words out your mouth…

You can’t tell me that Laffy Taffy and Lollipop were written for grown men,
And you know the kids go crazy for Candy Shop by 50 Cent.
You make songs with child-like choruses to appeal to our kids!
“Woe to the man who tries to steal what ain’t His!”
Stop targeting our children!
You have no idea how vengeful our God is!

This is a warning to all you rappers
speakin’ pure garbage on them tracks.
You best ta watch your backs…
Because according to
Matthew 18:5-6
The hearts and minds of these children,
My God’s already got dibs on that!

You ignorant fools claim to be the kings!
Yeah, maybe if life was a chess board.
Satan controls yo every move,
Until My God puts you in Check Boy!

You are nothing but pawns controlled by the devil!
Might as well, go ahead get yo casket and a shovel…
God’s lookin’ down sayin’ “You can’t neva
eva eva eva
eva eva eva eva eva Get on My level.”

But, you can get on His side.
All you have to do is
Trust Christ.
Believe in His Word, and follow His commands.
Then you can truly say that your life is in God’s hands.

But, you won’t…
Sometimes I can’t understand why you don’t…
God’s love is everlasting! Matter of fact, it’s unconditional!
The way you rappers choose SIN over God’s LOVE is unbelievable!

You preach Satan throughout your music,
but then thank Christ when you get an award…
I don’t understand how you can praise the Lord, 
whom you have consistently ignored!
Didn’t yo mama ever teach you
“Don’t speak on things you can’t afford!”

Satan you have no power! Give it up you lost!
Jesus fulfilled the prophecy, He died on the cross!
Rose again in three days, showed off His power and His greatness!
And all you have to show for yourself are lies, hate, and fakeness!

God has won the war!
I trust in
Jesus, He is my Savior!
He’s the
King of Kings, there is not one greater!

I’m the
dough, He’s the Baker!
I’m a
sinner, He’s the Savior!
created, He’s Creator!
And You! You… you had the nerve to think you were greater?
Satan, you know what you are?
You’re nothin’ but a hater!

Nobody get me wrong. I am not trying to be mean…
But in everyone of their songs, the lyrics are unclean!
I wrote this for the children so they can truly see,
That Christ Is The King Who Truly Reigns Supreme!

Repent & Believe.

- Jakab