Why is it that no one ever talks about death? It's almost like our parents have trained us to think of death as some sort of taboo. Death is coming for each and every one of us. You may not have a home; You may not gain status at your place of employment; You may not enjoy a family; You may not ever think about death; You may not ever truly live your life; But, there is one thing that is completely sure... Each and every one of us will die. The Basketball player, The POP singer, The NFL Quarterback, The preacher on the corner, The mother of five children, The television star, The homeless man under the bridge... All of us will die.
And the Bible speaks plainly about death, even to a culture that tries to ignore it. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 - "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment". We will all stand before God and be judged according to our lives. We will either be judged according to our own merit and found guilty for our sins and thrown into Hell. Or, we will be judged according to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and found righteous before God and be welcomed into Heaven. These are the only two options!
Sometimes, I witness to people through the internet. I have begun to send random messages saying 'Where will you go when you die?'. I receive many messages that say 'Dude, that's personal' or something similar. Why are people so defensive when talking about death? Our eternity is the most important thing in the World! Why would we not want to talk about it? I think I may know the answer. Because they are scared. Many people are completely frightened at the thought of death, because they are unsure of what is coming after. Death is a frightening thing and an enemy to most, but with the hope that we (True believers) have in Christ Jesus, death becomes a friend.
'Oh Death! Where is your sting?'
Many other people respond with 'heaven' or 'I don't know'. This is ironic. Because the Bible plainly tells us that the way to Heaven is narrow, yet most people think they are going to Heaven when they die... these people are simply misled.
Oh Father. I pray that we would not take death lightly. I pray that we would understand the root cause of death and let it show us our wretched sinfulness. I pray that those who are in fear of death would run to you in faith. I pray that they would call upon You 'the one who has power over death' so that they may be SAVED. I ask that only your will be done. In Christ Jesus. Amen.
What has happened to Christian culture? The culture of Christianity used to override the culture of secularism. Many of the old school scientists were Christians. Michelangelo & Raphael painted and sculpted beautiful pieces of art representing Biblical characters and stories. The writings and books were filled with Christian ideals and morals.
Have you ever read some of the songs written by John Newton or other Christian songwriters from a while back? They are filled with theology! It's like a sermon in every song! When I listen to many of the great hymns of our faith and compare them to the typical songs on Christian radio nowadays... there is no comparison. Many things played on Christian radio stations don't even mention God. But, those hymns are forever theologically accurate and blessed.
But, thanks be to God that there are those out there that still preach the truth through their art. This video is of a song entitled 'The Narrow Road to Heaven'. I enjoy this song very much. I enjoy the singing, rhythm, and theological lyrics. This song is loaded with Biblical truth. There are also many other artists now that are bringing Biblically solid lyrics in their music. One of my personal favorites is Shai Linne.
Please don't settle for sadly weak Christian music. Instead search for the songs that are deeply-rooted in scripture. Let us glorify God in all that we do.
I have been to many funerals in my short 20 years on this earth. When I was young I didn't really pay attention to what the preachers at the funerals would say. But now that I am older and more mature in the faith, I listen very attentively to discern whether the preachings are sound. The Bible states that there are two types of people in this world. The Sheep & The Goats. The Wheat & The Tares. The Saved & The Unsaved. However, it seems that if we get our theology from most funeral preachers we may end up thinking that everyone is Saved and on their way to Heaven. Jesus says plainly in Matthew Chapter 7 that the way is broad and wide that leads to destruction (Hell), yet at funerals we all seem to ignore those words. Why is that?
Probably, because most people don't truly believe the words of Jesus in the first place. If we did truly believe that most people were on their way to hell, then why aren't we all out in the streets screaming for their salvation? Why aren't we on our knees crying out to God for His mercy upon them? A passion for God and His Glory should directly result in a passion for the lost to be Saved, because that pleases God and makes Him look extremely Glorious.
So, what exactly are we doing Church? Are we speaking out like Paul Washer, against those false teachers that only preach on financial blessings and riches? Are we raising up children that will be evangelical for the KING of KINGS? Are we even preaching sound doctrine in our Churches and Sunday School classrooms? Are we doing what we can to reach the lost in our homes, communities and world? Find something to do to SPREAD the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST! We can do so much more than our present circumstance!
Meditate on the words of Jesus to His disciple Simon Peter in John 21:16...
Jesus said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Shepherd My sheep."
Let us truly shepherd, feed, and take care of God' sheep. Let us preach the gospel to all the nations and all who are in our own nation, such that the number of sheep grow through the working of the Holy Spirit of God.